Monday, March 15, 2010

His Allegory

He finally comes back home and I can sense he still feels sad. It's been the kind of week I want to wake up from. He puts the coffee cup down on the counter and comes sit down next to me, my knee tight in his grasp.

"There is this Buddhist master and his student. The master has been teaching the student for years, and now the student knows everything the master knows. So to celebrate, the master takes the student on a boat trip. Once they are far at sea, the master asks his student to stand at the front of the boat. He stands there. The master pushes the student into the water. As the student strives to come back to the surface, the master holds his head under the water. The student fights and tries to find a way to come up to the surface but the hand of the master is keeping him under. Finally, the master lets him out.

'This fear and passion and urge to get back to the surface and breathe. This is how you have to live your life.' "

This is how he lives his life. This is why I love him.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Il court, il court le furet

Alors voilà, je suis à la poursuite du bonheur. Pas vraiment à sa recherche, car je le vois partout, je le sens, je l'entends, mais il ne reste jamais assez longtemps près de moi... Alors je lui cours après, inéxorablement, à en perdre le souffle. Parfois, je le dépasse et continue de courir, finissant par le fuir de crainte qu'il ne m'échappe.

Alors j'ai décidé de créer ce blog. Je ne sais honnêtement pas quel genre de forme je vais lui donner et quelle forme il prendra au cours du temps, mais je veux en faire un lieu de recherche et d'échange sur le bonheur et le bien-être, mes trucs et les trucs que j'essaie pour me sentir bien et pour m'apaiser. Pour arrêter de courir et commencer à respirer.